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Indu Lagna Calculator Chakra

The Indu Lagna Calculator Chakra indicates Indu Lagna based on Moon Sing i.e. Rashi and Ascendant i.e. Lagna of a person as per Birth Chart in astrology. Indu Lagna play key role in deciding Wealth attainment and accumulation by a person as per Vedic Astrology.

Indu Lagna English Calculator Chakra

This is Indu Lagna English Calculation matrix based on Moon Sign and Ascendant in astrology based

Indu Lagna Hindi Calculator Chakra

This is Indu Lagna Hindi Calculation matrix based on Moon Sign and Ascendant in astrology based

Steps To Use Indu Lagna Calculator Chakra to find Indu Lagna

It is very simple to use the above Indu Lagna Calculators Chakra.

Step 1 : Select the row correspondign to your moon sign as per birth chart.

Step 2: Select the column which indicates the Ascendant or Lagna as per birth chart in the row selected in step 1.

Step 3: The resultant cell is the house in horoscope which is known as Indu Lagna.


Taking an example:

If a person is born with Moon Sign - Scorpio and Ascendant - Virgo. Then the Indu Lagna for this person is 6th house of the horoscope.



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